4 Tips to Remember in Throwing the Best Tailgate Party Ever

Group Of Sports Fans Tailgating In Stadium Car Park

But tailgating isn’t just about getting drunk and partying; it’s a community-building activity that dates back to ancient harvest festivals. From farm-to-table dinners and peaceful family picnics, social gatherings centered on food are commonplace throughout history.

But apart from the food, a lot of factors contribute to the success of a tailgate. Although the Super Bowl has just passed, it’s never too early to plan for your next tailgating party. Here are some tips to remember in throwing the best one yet.

Check the rules

Of course, before you head out to the venue, you want to know the limitations for tailgating. These may be a combination of stadium laws, state laws, and league-wide rules that concern activities like public drinking and decency.

One of the important stadium rules you need to learn is the restriction on grills, especially if you’re planning on cooking in the venue. The arena may have specific instructions and restrictions on coal disposal, timing, and the type of grill allowed. You may also need to learn are coolers and other beverage containers;Some stadiums only allow soft-sided coolers and prohibit metal containers, like kegs.

There may also be codes of conduct set for fans on top of the tailgate rules to avoid exceedingly rough behaviors. Depending on the arena, prohibitions may include underage drinking, public nudity, hate speech, fighting, and general rowdy actions.

Prep your truck

Make sure your vehicle is up for the drive, especially if you’re traveling a great distance. Check the engine, breaks, and tires before heading out so you can attend to any automotive concern, if any. Also, consider the total distance you’re traveling, so you know if your vehicle can cover the mileage.

Make sure your car can also accommodate the volume of things you’re planning to bring. If you’re driving a pickup truck, you can get bed liners in Salt Lake City at least a week before the big game in Rice-Eccles Stadium, so your items and equipment won’t slip and slide in the back of your truck while in transit.

Pack smart

Group Of Male Sports Fans Tailgating In Stadium Car Park

The key in having unbridled fun in any outdoor party is to have everything you can possibly need packed in the car. Anticipate various situations or accidents, so you can have the things you might need ready. Pack kitchen equipment and tools, hygiene essentials, condiments, first aid kit, and other necessities.

Another way to ensure that you’re not forgetting anything is to assign different people what to bring. This way, you can focus only on your responsibilities instead of thinking of everything at once.

If you’re planning on cooking in the venue, prep your food beforehand so that it’s ready to go on the grill when you get to the stadium. The night before the game, marinate and skewer the meat for the barbecue, slice up the veggies, and assemble the other toppings and snacks to lessen the hassle on game day.

Consider the clean up

Some tailgaters make the mistake of only planning for the before and during, but not the after. The after-party is bound to look messy, with all the dirty dishes, leftover food, and empty beer bottles. Save yourself the headache of cleaning up by bringing garbage bags for the disposables, and a large plastic tub for recyclables and dirty dishes.

The purpose of tailgating parties is to support your favorite team while bonding with your people. Worrying about things, like not enough ice or stadium rules you were unaware of, may distract you from having fun. Plan well for the party so you can have a good time.

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