These Two Facts about Subaru Vehicles Should Encourage Owners to Maintain Them

Subaru is one of the most popular auto brands in the United States today, but owners still don’t know much about it. For example, how long does one have to maintain it? How about its depreciation rate? Knowing the essential facts about the vehicle helps users take care of their units better. This way, they can maximize their service life beyond the standard five years:

1. Standard Subaru Maintenance Schedule

The boxy vehicle can be tough—and it is—but that is not an excuse to skip following the Subaru car maintenance schedule. Like other vehicles, it depends on the mileage traveled. Owners need to bring theirs to a shop every 6,000 miles, even for the basics. These include rotation or balancing of tires, as well as an oil change. If an oil change isn’t necessary at this point, the vehicle will need it as soon as it turns a year old or already traveled for 10,000 miles.

According to KKB, the vehicle might need more servicing when owners subject it to adverse road conditions. These include taking holiday trips to the mountains or traversing uneven pathways. If people use it for business, then it can also demand more frequent maintenance schedules.

The company offers a comprehensive vehicle warranty that’s good for three years or 36,000 miles, whichever comes first. Owners can also choose to get an extended warranty plan, which they can transfer to the buyer. Many used units, though, don’t have one. New owners, therefore, will have to rely on Subaru car experts for maintenance.

Either way, users can always refer to their manual for the recommended maintenance schedule. It’s also ideal if they provide the same thing to the new owner.

2. Best Resale Value

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According to the 2020 Best Resale Value Awards, Subaru takes the lead in almost all categories. For example, Subaru Impreza is the best compact car, while the Forester is the ideal compact SUV. What do these awards mean? It implies that Subaru provides owners the best return for money if they decide to sell their units. The brand can hold as much of its resale value for many reasons.

One of these is demand. More Americans prefer to invest in bigger vehicles, such as SUVs or trucks. In 2017, the overall car sales in the United States declined by 2%. Some manufacturers, though, reported that revenues from SUVs went up by 6.7% or more. Another possible reason is the depreciation. On average, cars already lost 10% of its value as soon as it left the lot. In the first two years, it can lose around 10% to 50%, depending on the model. By the fifth year, the unit’s depreciation will reach about 60%. In other words, it tends to slow down as the vehicle ages.

With Subaru, the average depreciation rate is 26% for new units during the first three years, according to Money Calculator. A study by GoBankingRates, meanwhile, showed that a 2019 Subaru Crosstrek SUV could lose 37.48% in five years. It performed better than the Chevrolet Silverado or Honda-CRV SUV.

If owners keep up with the ideal Subaru car maintenance schedule, they can slow down the depreciation rate. In turn, they can ask for a higher price and enjoy better resale value for the vehicle. Subaru is a trusted brand for a reason: it provides dependable, functional cars that have excellent resale value. Note, too, that owners can do better by following the recommended maintenance schedule.

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