Spending Time with Your Kids Affects Their Development

Children very much depend on their parents in everything that they do. But as they grow, the time spent with their parents gradually decreases. They become independent and soon start to form relationships with others. Spending time together as a family will become a challenge. But is spending quality time with your children still important these days?

Spending time with your children affects their development

Everyone nowadays has a busy life. Most parents don’t even have enough time to spend with their family. That’s why many people worry if their parenting skills aren’t enough to support their child’s developmental needs. They start to doubt their abilities as parents and even feel guilty about spending too much time in the office. Even worse, looking at social media posts from other people who spend time with their children makes them feel guilty.

However, the National Association for the Education of Young Children says that it isn’t about the length of time that you spend with your kids that matter. Instead, it’s how you spend the time that makes the difference. Children need high-quality time with their parents and guardians so that they can benefit from it.

Words of affirmation help

Tell your child that you love him every day. Giving him words of affirmation can make your child feel how important he is to you. Simple things such as appreciating his little efforts can help reinforce positive behavior. Acknowledge it with words of appreciation as soon as you have the time to do it.

Eating meals together is important

family lunch

Although it seems simple, eating together at the dinner table can do more than you might expect. Mealtime with your children is the perfect opportunity to ask them about their day. It’s the best time to see how well they’re doing in school, too. If you have limited time, prepare meals that require little effort. Another option is to get a healthy snack and share it with your child while chatting with them.

Silliness can help

Forget being an adult and be silly with your child. Let go and let your inner child come out. Playing with them even during bathtime can have a positive impact on them. You can also schedule a time for doing an activity with them alone. Be sure to follow through the event and avoid any distraction.

Make time for your family

If you want to have a family vacation, you can provide everyone with a meaningful experience by looking for a van rental in Manila. You can do it whenever there’s an occasion that needs a celebration. It is a simple way to bond with one another.

In the end, although having enough time is always great, the quality of the time that you spend with them is much more critical. Even a simple thing like hosting a family game every Friday can help promote a strong relationship with your children. Additionally, it will help them develop their problem-solving skills and creative thinking. If you need more suggestions, you can find other sources online.

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